When I discovered I would be given the diagnosis of ALS, part two

Eventually, I needed an electric wheelchair, so I could get around by myself. I would go outside and smile at the stars and wonder when I’d be looking down at those sparklers, instead of looking up.

As a lover of nature, I spent my time going to beautiful places, and some excitably fun areas, too. I took a trip to Washington, D.C. with my dad and my children. If you’ve ever been to our nation’s capitol, you know how much there is to do and see there. I haven’t mentioned before, but, after my diagnosis, I wanted to travel with my immediate family.

I went with my mom and my sisters to Hershey, P.A. There is much to do in Hershey Chocolate Factory, and we indulged in it all. With my husband, we traveled across country, from New Jersey to California and back. We saw, among other things, the Grand Canyon and the Hoover Dam.

After the vacations, I made a life-altering phone call. But more on that next week!


  1. Katrina says:

    I wanna know about this life altering phone call! 😱😱😱😱

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve decided to leave a cliff-hanger every week, if I can. hee hee


  2. Linda says:

    What you are doing for your children is remarkable.  I hope they will hold your words in their hearts. Live you.

    ⁣Get BlueMail for Android ​

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Aunt Linda! Love you, too! ❤


  3. Hello, I´m seeking for support – not funding etc. but just sharing information, one click or share on social media or anything. Think about it as ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE 2.0. Thank you and sending lots of energy to Jennifer!

    More details here: https://chronicdiseasesdemystified.com/2021/01/29/als-curse-of-the-impossible/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I read the entire page.Are you a scientist? Facebook would not let me repost your post.I do not have Twitter account.


      1. Hello, why Facebook would not allow you to share some link to a website? That would be a new information for me. Anyway that´s fine, I´m working on other ways too, I can handle that. Otherwise to answer your question – no I´m not a medical scientist, but I read and interpret scientifical information and also non-scientifical or as science claims – pseudoscientifical 🙂 You can see the references I use and there is lot of scientifical articles, medical text books etc. I´m an engineer. On my website I´m very transparent and explain it here: https://chronicdiseasesdemystified.com/about/

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I never knew all this! Glad to be learning more about your experience through this blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m happy sharing my experiences with you and my readers. There is a lot to be glad about when living with ALS.


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